4 Simple Ways To Use Honey And Warm Water For Weight Loss

honey in weight loss tips

Lossing Weight / October 29, 2021

Question:Does honey cinnamon help with weight loss?

Reply: Some people have found the honey and cinnamon concoction helpful in improving metabolism, regulating sugar level and losing weight as a result.

Question: Which is best for weight loss, honey with lemon, cider vinegar or cinnamon?

Reply: For weight loss, there isn't one particular honey recipe that is the best or the most effective. Every individual's body respond differently to different foods and medicines, so the effects and results experienced would not be the same.

Question: I have read that honey puts on weight as it contains sugar. Is this true? I take honey everyday as I thought it was good for you.

Reply: Honey is a natural sugar, unlike highly processed table sugar, high fructose corn syrup or artificial sweeteners.

Question: Our doctor says honey is very high in carbohydrates and therefore increases the risk of high chlorestoral and triglysorides. Is this offset buy the benefits?

Reply: Honey is basically sugar, which is a form of carbohydrate/energy-giving food. However, unlike table sugar/white sugar which are empty-calories, it is natural and contains goodness that white sugar doesn't have.

Take your doctor's advice if he feels you need to control your sugar in-take. One way to avoid eating excessive sugar is replacing the current table-sugar with honey in your diet e.g in your coffee and tea. Ref:
Question: Is it possible to gain weight by taking too much honey?

Reply: Anything excessive is not good, and this applies to honey too. The principle of weight gain is straightforward, when you take in more than what your body needs, whether it's sugar, fat, or honey, the extra calories are stored as fat.

Read write-up on: Honey is basically sugar, which is a form of carbohydrate/energy-giving food. However, unlike table sugar/white sugar which are empty-calories, it is natural and contains goodness that white sugar doesn't have. You may be interested to read the following articles if you are watching your weight and counting your calories:
Question: What's the benefit of drinking warm water, honey and lemon every morning?

Reply: Honey and lemon is an old well-known weight loss tip. Lemon juice when squeezed into a nice amount of water can assist in weight loss by creating a more alkaline environment in the body. By consuming alkaline foods such as honey lemon and drinks we are flushing our bodies of the excess acids (detoxify) and therefore beginning on our journey of losing weight.

Read this article to understand how alkaline foods work in our body: . Also, mixing lemon with water helps make sure we are properly hydrated; it will help in getting rid of waste products from the body, hence assisting in weight reduction. Read: .

Question: Please tell me how much quantity of lemon and honey to take to lose weight?

Reply: You can find the following weight loss tip in: "mix one teaspoon of fresh honey with the juice of half a lime/lemon in a glass of lukewarm water first thing in the morning. It is very beneficial on an empty stomach. Take several times a day at regular intervals." Anything in the excess harms your body. If anyone really wants to go for this treatment, keep it up for at least a couple of months. However, please...

Source: www.benefits-of-honey.com